Face masks to support Whoopsadaisy

Face masks to support Whoopsadaisy

Many fundraising events have been cancelled and postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak this year, which has greatly affected many small charities across the UK like Whoopsadaisy. 
Some incredible individuals decided to participate and to do their best to fundraise and support Whoopsadaisy in any way they can. 
Today we would like to share the lovely story of Shelly Nash, a mum of two who decided to take on the 2.6 Challenge to support Whoopsadaisy! 

This is the story behind her pledge:
“On 26th April, me (and my fellow Kenley Hockey Club Ladies) were challenged by one of our players to do the 26.2 Challenge – to do an activity involving the number 26 and then make a donation to a charity. This was to mark the absence of the London Marathon, which, along with events of its kind, is a huge fundraiser for charities big and small, all of which are missing out on vital sponsorship and fundraising money during the pandemic. I pledged to make 26 face masks, sell them for £4 each, and donate 100% of the proceeds to charity. I chose Whoopsadaisy. Given the amazing work you do and the help you have already given to my nephew Andrew, I could not think of a better cause. I sent a message out to friends and family, and sold the 26 in one afternoon, so keeping in line with the original challenge, I upped my pledged to make 26*2 (or 52!). I sold all of them and kept going! I’ve now made 75 masks, and have had more orders. I’m currently on maternity leave with number 2 who is 8 months old, and my eldest is only 2 and a half, so I sew the masks during their afternoon nap or after they go to bed. It’s been nice to have a project to keep my mind busy, and people have been really generous and donated more than the £4 when I tell them about the work your charity does.  

The masks are made of a double layer of cotton so can be washed at 60 degrees and comply with the guidelines the U.K. and EU government’s have sent out to aid protecting others while we go about our essential journeys. I’ve madethem all in fun colours because firstly we need a bit of sunshine at the moment, and second, I thought the more colourful they were, the less likely they were to scare small children when they are worn. I hope the money goes towards helping more children gain the freedom of walking, which we just take for granted.”

To make an order, please contact Shelly onsewingwiththebias@gmail.com
